Wednesday, 19 October 2011



Greg F.
when u get a txt from someone thinking its from somebody u really wanna talk to, and its someone else..R-T if you hate that
Illustrationz ✔
when you get a text from some one and they think they are texting someone else and you get confused
Marian Joy Hernandez
food theft inside your own household! your own fridge! despite labeling them with your name, in bold pentel pen.
Muhammad Akbar ▲
if you insult other girls are ugly, useless. You are not pretty in and outside.
Tiara Priscalia Ng
i rather exams the homework RT : #5 EXAMS. homeworks are better than exams.
that one person who always keeps you pending on his/ her facebook friend requests. smh
when directioners have 6 trends at the same time and walk round saying they're the best fans. babe, all the way.
Kyle Kopanyshyn
dance club bathroom attendants. I can turn on the water and get my own soap, thanks.